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Harvest Me workshop Native Bees – Falcon Library and Community Centre

February 8 @ 13:30 - 15:30


Join us for a Harvest Me Workshop and learn about Native Bees of WA and the importance of pollinators!

Discover the amazing world of native bees in WA and learn about the crucial role pollinators play in our gardens! Join us to explore how these tiny heroes help our plants thrive and what you can do to support them.


About This Event:

  • Native Bees VS European Honeybees
  • Types of WA Native Bees
  • How to Build Native Bee Hotels
  • What are Pollinators
  • Why are Pollinators Important?
  • How to Create a Pollinator Friendly Garden


Seed Library

The Seed Library Seed Collection is now available. Borrow some seeds to plant in your garden, harvest your crops and collect the seeds to return to the library for someone else to borrow.


Grow it Local

Grow it Local is an initiative to encourage people to grow, share and eat locally grown foods. It’s a celebration of backyard, balcony, community and window-sill farmers across Mandurah. It aims to reuse, reduce waste to landfill and connect the local community. To find out more and registered your local patch, please visit Grow it Local.


Bookings Required, 1115237568589?aff=oddtdtcreator” target=”_blank”>Book Now!

Afternoon Tea provided


Falcon Library and Community Centre
Corner Flavia Street and Cobblers Road, Falcon WA 6210 + Google Map